Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Roll With the Punches!

I am getting very excited for my 3 day weekend! So many plans and so much fun ahead! I was suppose to get my haircut last night but Mario texted me with a picture of the nail shop 2 doors down that caught on fire overnight so there was no power or water and it smelled really bad he said so I am suppose to get my hair cut tonight after work. Afterwards I am going to swing by the kids house they are just blocks from the salon. I was there last week but we missed going to Don Cuco Mexican Restaurant for our Friday night dinner. We are going this Friday though.

A few more changes at the Hospital which I am not happy about besides the cutting of the per diems hours! We are no longer allowed to request any holiday's off even us per diems!! At one time as a per diem we could just say we are not available and have any day off including holiday's so supposedly that has been changed? I really don't think so but I am not going to take a day off and go to HR about it.  I am not a happy camper I have gone on trips before during the New Year's holiday. We are expected to work 3 holidays a year to include one Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve and New Years day! Full time are expected to work 4 holidays. I have already worked New Years Day this year and will work Labor Day. So I will only  have one more to work and hopefully when they put the Holiday list up I will have a chance to work at least some decent hours on Christmas if I have to. I would much prefer working New Years Eve or day so we will see what happens. All I can say is that I am lucky the kids moved back because I use to spend the holidays at their house. Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I will roll with the punches I guess?


Kim said...

Hi Dru! I'm so sorry that your work is giving you such a hard time with hours. I wonder why all of a sudden such the hard changes? Hopefully, things will go back to what they used to be one day and you'll get your extra hours. I know how much you like the extra income.

Thank you so much for all the positive thoughts. I'm honestly blessed to have you in my life. Big hugs!

annie said...

Many businesses are going part time now because of new insurance laws coming and changing how they give time off. Was talking to a local business lady yesterday about it.
I hope they will let you take off when you want. You work hard enough for them to be given that much!

Kia said...

Sorry for all the changes at work, maybe things will go back to normal in a few months? Hope so.
Zeno and his co-workers are not allowed to take off work when they want, they have to ask 2 months in advanced and wait at least 2 weeks for a yes or no. :( It's so unfair coz this way we can never book a cheap holiday somewhere.
Oh, the London weekend was a last minute thing. :) I had a dr apt there, that's why we went in this truly expensive and busy period. But never again! We spent 300 pound for an hotel (argh!) and 250 pounds of train tickets. Just plain crazy! :/

Susan said...

Sorry about the days off but I think there are many more changes
that will happen. I am so happy to be out of the PO. Will you get a retirement package from your main job? Looking at the commerical for the movie called The Butler. I hope to see it this weeekend for next week. Should be good.

~Pam~ said...

Hi Dru! Hope you are doing well. Sorry about the work issues. Hope it gets better.
Have a great evening.